Warframe Boar Shotgun Stats
The Boar shotgun is a low rank automatic shotgun. A good starter weapon. Loadouts should focus on multishot and impact damage.
The Boar shotgun is a low rank automatic shotgun. A good starter weapon. Loadouts should focus on multishot and impact damage.
Paris Prime has a high critical change and has the highest puncture damage out of all the primary bows. The only bow with a high critical change is the dread bow. Like the dread, you can build the Paris Prime to achieve red critical damage. Loadouts should focus and increasing critical chance and Puncture damage.
The Cernos Prime is a major upgrade from its counterpart. The Cernos Prime is a multishot, High Impact Bow. The Multishot has two modes, Vertical and Horizontal spread. Use Vertical for high single target damage, and the Horizontal for hitting multi targets. Cernos Primes Multishot gives it a high base IPS of 552.0, with an IPS of 184 per projectile. Loadouts should focus on multishot and Impact damage. Loadout can also take advantage of either Status Chance, 30%, or Critical Chance, 35.0%.
The Daikyu is a high physical damage bow with a high rating in all damage types. The Daikyu has a base IPS of 700, the highest of all primary bows. The best Daikyu loadout focus, should be to take advantage of its high IPS and high Status change.
The Rakta Cernos is a quick draw, high Impact bow. The Rakta has a Charge Rate of .25, with a moderate Critical Chance Rate of 35%, and Impact rating of 423. The best loadout should focus on its high impact damage, critical change, and Charge Rate.
The Paris is a Critical Change, Puncture Bow. The best Paris loadouts should take advantage of it critical change and puncture damage.
The Dread Bow is one of the highest Critical Chance weapons in the game. Great for Single Target, Red Critical Builds. Having a High Slash Damage, this bows is very effective against, Most Targets. Builds should be focused on increasing Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier, and Slash Damage.
The Lenz is a High Critical Chance, Radial Attack Bow. The Lenz has a based critical change of 50%, matching that of the deadly Dread Bow. The Lenz also does a large amount of Blast Damage. Loadouts should be focused on increasing Critical Chance, Cold, and Blast damage. The loadout should include increasing radial stats as well.
The Proboscis Cernos is a High Status and Viral Radial Attack bow. We rate this bow one of the top warfame weapons. The Proboscis has a good amount of slash damage to complement the Radial / AOE effects. Loadouts should focus on increasing Radial Attack effectiveness, Raising Status Change and Increasing Slash Damage.
The Mutalist Cernos is an Infested bow with High Punch Through, High Status Chance, and Impact Damage. The Mutalist is an AEO Bow that does Toxin Damage to enemies hit and all enemies near the strike point. Loadouts should focus on increasing Toxin Damage, Status Chance, and Impact Damage.
The Cernos is a starter bow with High Impact and good Critical Chance. Loadout should focus on Impact and Critical Chance.