Palworld Hoocrates – #015

Palworld Hootcrates Pal

Palworld Hoocrates: Often lost in thought, it sometimes finds it difficult to sleep. “I think, therefore I am.”

Dark Knowledge: While in team, increases attack power of Dark Pals.

Food : 🍞🍞🍞

Work Suitability




High Grade Technical manual


Active Skills


Air Cannon

Quickly fires a burst of highly pressurized air.   Power: 25
CT: 2


Dark Ball

Unleashes a sphere of darkness that slowly tracks down an enemy.   Power: 40
CT: 7


Shadow Burst

Quickly discharges dark energy, damaging those around it.   Power: 55
CT: 10


Sand Tornado

Generates two sand tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy.   Power: 80
CT: 18


Spirit Flame

Fires three balls of malice that relentlessly pursue an enemy.   Power: 75
CT: 16


Nightmare Ball

Creates a giant ball of darkness and hurls it at an enemy.   Power: 100
CT: 30


Dark Laser

Charges dark energy before blasting enemies with a powerful beam.   Power: 150
CT: 55


Breeding Pairs

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Palworld Hootcrates Pal

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