
1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Stamina
2 Items
When you deal Damage you create an earthquake under the enemy that erupts after 1.5 seconds, dealing 2056 Physical Damage to all enemies within 4 meters and stuning them for 3 seconds. This effect can occur over every 6 seconds and the damage scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Maximum Stamina +1058


pirate skeleton

1 Item
Adds 1435 Armor
2 Items
When you take damage to your Health, you transform into a skeleton and gain Major Protection and Minor Defile for 15 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 10% but reducing your healing received and Health Recovery every 20 seconds.
Armor +1435


The Troll King

1 Item
Adds 4% Healing Done
2 Items
When you heal yourself or an ally, if they are still below 50% Health, their Health Recovery is increased by 893 for 10 seconds
Healing Done +4%


Infernal Guardian

1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Magicka
2 Items
When you apply a damage shield to yourself or an ally, you have a 50% chance to lob 3 morters over 2 seconds at the furthest enemy within 5 meters of the blast area. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds and scales off hegher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Maximum Magicka +1058

Valkyn Skoria

1 Item
Adds 1435 Offence Penetration
2 Items
When you deal damage with a damage over time effect, you have a 8% chance to summon a meteor that deals 2843 Flame Damage to the target and 947 Flame Damage to all aother enemies within 5 meter. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapons or Spell Damage
Offence Penetration +1435



1 Item
Adds 1558 Maximum Magicka
2 Items
When you deal Flame or Shock Damage, you have a 33% chance to summon a meteor shower that deals 308 Flame Damage and 308 Shock Damage to all enemies within 4 meters every 1 second for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapons or Spell Damage.
Maximum Magicka +1558


1 Item
Adds 124 Weapon and Spell Damage
2 Items
When you deal damage, you have a 15% chance to summon a Lich crystal that explodes after 2 seconds, dealing 2881 Magic Damage to all enemies within 4 meters. This effect can occur once every 3 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Weapon and Spell Damage +124


Engine Gardian

1 Item
Adds 124 Health Recovery
2 Items
When you use an ability that costs reasources, you have a 25% chance to summon a Dwemer automation to restore every 0.5 seconds for 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.
Health Recovery +124

Sentinel of Rkugamz

1 Item
Adds 4% Healing Done
2 Items
When you heal yourself or an ally you summon a Dwemer spider that heals for 965 Health and restores 121 Magicka and Stamina to you and your allies within 5 meters every 1 seconds for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds.
Healing Done +4%



1 Item
Adds 634 Critical Chance
2 Items
When you deal Critical Damage, you have a 20% chance to gain a damage shield that absorbs 4825 damage for 6 seconds. While the damage shield holds, you deal 549 Frost Damage to all enemies within 5 meters of you every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds and the damage scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage
Critical Chance +634



1 Item
Adds 124 Magicka Recovery
2 Items
When you use a heal ability, you have 33% chance to summon a strangler saplind that heals you or an ally for 12901 Health over 6 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and acales off the higher of your Max Magicka or Stamina.
Magicka Recovery +124


1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Magicka
2 Items
When you heal yourself or an ally, you have a 20% chance to summon a totem for 6 seconds that heals you and your allies within 5 meters for 1300 Health every 1 second. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales of the higher of your Max Magicka or Stamina
Maximum Magicka +1058



1 Item
Adds 1435 Offensive Penetration
2 Items
When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to spawn dreugh that create shockwaves in front of you dealing 527 Physical Damage every 0.6 seconds for 2.4 seconds. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Offensive Penetration +1435

Spawn of Mephala

1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Stamina
2 Items
When you deal damage with a fully-charged Heavy Attack, you create a web under the target for 10 seconds that deals 463 Poison Damage every 1 second to all enemies within 4 meters. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage.
Maximum Stamina +1058



1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Stamina
2 Items
When you deal Martial melee damage, you call upon a primal spirit that mauls the closest enemy in front of you after 1.3 seconds for 3606 Physical Damage. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage
Maximum Stamina +1058



1 Item
Adds 124 Stamina Recovery
2 Items
When you take damage, you have a 6% chance to generate 13 Ultimate and increase your Physical and Spell Resistance by 3601 for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds.
Stamina Recovery +124

Swarm Mother

1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Stamina
Adds 1058 Maximum Magicka
2 Items
When you block an attack from an enemy that is between 8 and 22 meters form you, you spin strands of spider silk to pull the enemy to you. This effect can occur once every 1 second.
Maximum Stamina +2116



1 Item
Adds 124 Stamina Recovery
2 Items
When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to create a thunderfist to crush the enemy, dealing 588 Shock Damage every 1 second for 3 seconds to all enemies within 4 meters and a final 10526 Physical Damage when the fist closes. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage
Stamina Recovery +124


Maw of the Infernal

1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Magicka
2 Items
When, you deal damage with a Light or Heavy Attack, you have a 33% chance to summon a fire breathing Daedroth for 15 seconds. The Daedroth's attacks deal 1270 Flame Damage every 2 seconds.

The Daedroth can only be summoned once every 15 seconds and its damage scales off the higher of your Weapon or Spell Damage

Maximum Magicka +1058


1 Item
Adds 124 Magicka Recovery
2 Items
When you take damage, you summon a shadowy Clannfear for 15 seconds. The Clannfear's attacks deal 703 Magic Damage and apply Minor Maim, Reducing the target's Damage done by 5% for 2 seconds.

The Clannfear can be summoned once every 15 seconds and its damage scales off your Max Health

Magicka Recovery +124



1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Magicka
2 Items
When you deal damage to an enemy within 8 meters, you have a 10% chance to create lava pools that swirl around you, dealing 549 Flame Damage to all enemies within 8 meters of you every 1 second for 5 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds and scales off the higher of your Weapon of spell Damage.
Maximum Magicka +1058



1 Item
Adds 1058 Maximum Stamina
2 Items
When you activate a taunt ability on an enemy, you cause a duneripper to burst from the ground deneath them after 1 second, dealing 1178 Physical Damage to all enemies within 4 meters and reducing their Physical Resistance by 2311 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 8 seconds and the damage scales off the higher of your Physical or Spell Resistance
Maximum Stamina +1058


Scourge Harvester

1 Item
Adds 1164 Maximum Health
2 Items
When you take Damage, you have a 10% chance to create a beam that steals 2492 Health over 6 seconds from the attacker. While the beam holds you gain Major Vitality, increasing your healing received by 16%. The beam breaks if the enemy moves further that 8 meters away. This effect can occur once every 6 seconds and scales off your Max Health.
Maximum Health +1164


1 Item
Adds 744 Critical Chance
2 Items
Gain Minor Berserk at all times, increasing your damage done by 5%.
Critical Chance +744
Magicycle Tour Ebike