Category: Crossout Guides

Melee Weapons Stats and Comparison Charts – Crossout

Melee weapons are an excellent way to get on edge on your opponents. Melee weapons deal damage with direct contact by getting very close to the enemy’s vehicle. They are very durable and do a lot of damage. They are a bit more reliable than guns because you don’t have to aim them. You can put them on the front of your vehicle to deal damage by charging at the opponent or put is on the sides to damage with a drive-by. Most melee weapons take the form of saws and blades; one of them, known simply as the Boom, is an explosive that can explode on impact.

Rocket Launcher Stats and Comparison Charts – Crossout

Rocket launchers are an excellent way to deal massive damage. They have low accuracy because, as rockets are, they can’t steer once they have you fire them. They take time to charge and can only fire once per charge. They have volleys that contain multiple rockets at a time.

Crossout Shotgun Stats and Comparison Charts

Shotgun are short range high-powered weapons. On average Shotguns have a low accuracy rating making then less useful at mid to long ranges. Shotgun come in two basic type fixed and Swivel guns. Mounted correctly shotguns can achieve a devastating one shot attack to enemies

Crossout Autocannon Stats and Comparison Charts

Autocannons are medium to long range rapid fire weapon. Most Autocannos have high accuracy and are good for long range rapid attacks. One exception to this is the whirl which is more for mid range attacks.

